My Background
I earned my massage therapy degree from Hesser College in 2006. While in school I had the opportunity to massage a local football team and fell in love with sports massage and how subtle changes in the connective tissues can have a huge effect on an athletes performance and well being.
I've since then helped out at grappling tournaments to help team members at a local MMA gym. This is not only fun, but an incredible way to continue hands on training for myself as there is always room to grow and expand my skills.
Over the last couple years my background has grown to that of the subtle energy body. I am fascinated by how trauma and our belief systems can have an impact on how our physical body feels, as well as energetically, and emotionally. This is why you may hear me say, "You are not broken!"
In the beginning of 2022 I completed a certification in Lymphatic Drainage and deep tissue for frozen shoulder. As of 2023 I am also certified in medical massage.
I love learning and while I can take all the classes I desire, I find I learn the most from my clients. Thank you!
Amie Hagan
Licensed Massage Therapist
Craniosacral Therapist
Quantum Energy Healing
My massage therapy journey started in my early 20's when I was struggling severely with my own back pain due to being unaware of the proper tools to care for my scoliosis. Between chiropractic work and the help of a skilled massage therapist I began to manage my pain. I believe my own struggles have helped me become a more attuned and skilled massage therapist. Since 2006 I have been on a journey of exploring ways to relieve tension in the body with various bodywork modalities, and the connection the mind plays in the overall wellbeing of a person. Your beliefs become your reality, and our everyday patterns and activities leave an impression on the body and how it feels. I am passionate about mobility work to help freedom of movement in the body as well as our nutrition and how that plays a role in our pain and energy levels. I'm here to help you shift your reality with not just your body, but with your mind as well. As the saying goes "it's all connected!" I believe you aren't broken; you just may be lacking the awareness or tools your body is asking for to help you feel better in your body.